Cotswold Couples Therapy




Developed by Harville Hendrix and Helen La Kelly Hunt, Imago Relationship Therapy is a highly practical and effective method that helps couples to establish more connected, passionate and joyful relationships.

The core principles of Imago therapy are based on:

  • Eliminating the idea of ‘right and wrong’ and replacing it with a deep sense of curiosity and loving care for yourself and your partner
  • Raising consciousness around your own responses and projections and their impact on your relationships
  • Recognition that all relationships move through Romantic Love into the Power Struggle and have the potential to move to conscious joyful relating
  • Understanding how your childhood experiences impact on your life now and your current relationships

Imago Dialogue is the core technique used for all conversations to help promote change and growth, to establish an environment of safety which transforms conflict into connection; offers a safe space to begin re-romanticizing your relationship, and allows you to be accurately heard and to hear.